Evropska Amazonka
Evropska Amazonka je destinacija, ki ponuja številne aktivnosti, od kolesarjenja ob Muri, Dravi in Donavi, preko veslanja v kanuju ali kajaku do edinstvenih pristnih gastronomskih, naravnih in kulturnih doživetij z domačini, ki obogatijo vaše bivanje na destinaciji.
Razpoložljive ponudbe za rezervacije:
- Kolesarska pot po Amazonki Evrope
- Amazon of Europe Amazing Moments kulture in narave
- Spust s kanujem po Muri, Dravi in Donavi.
Njihova vizija je še naprej zagotavljati nove priložnosti za akterje v turizmu s pomočjo EU sredstev. Obiščite Amazon of Europe ter Amazon of Europe Hub (AoE Hub) in Amazon of Europe Academy (AoE Academy).
Več informacij o destinaciji Amazon of Europe najdete na njihovi spletni strani https://visitaoe.com/sl/
Amazon of Europe
Amazon of Europe is a destination that offers a lot of activities, from cycling along Mura, Drava and Danube rivers, to paddling in a canoe or kayak to unique authentic gastronomic, natural, and cultural experiences with locals, that enrich your stay in the destination.
Available bookable offers:
1. Amazon of Europe Bike Trail
2. Amazon of Europe Amazing Moments of culture and nature
3. Canoe tours on Mura, Drava and Danube rivers.
Their vision is to continue to provide new opportunities for tourism SMEs with the help of EU funds. Visit Amazon of Europe as well as Amazon of Europe Hub (AoE Hub) and Amazon of Europe Academy (AoE Academy).
All information on the Amazon of Europe destination is awailable on their website https://visitaoe.com/