Smarter Amazon of Europe project (SmarterAOE)
Projekt Smarter Amazon of Europe (Smarter AOE)
Z našimi sobami Prenočišča Kovač ter apartmajema Prekmurski raj in Prekmurska oaza smo se pridružili projektu digitalne transformacije in nadgradnje Smarter Amazon of Europe (SmarterAOE).
Prejeli smo finančno podporo za digitalno preobrazbo naših poslovnih praks iz projekta SmarterAOE, ki bo vzpostavil mednarodni ekosistem turističnih malih in srednjih podjetij v Amazon of Europe – Unescov prvi čezmejni biosferni rezervat petih držav: Mura – Drava – Donava in druga biosferna območja za spodbujanje družbenih, digitalnih in ekoloških inovacij s sodelovanjem, krepitvijo zmogljivosti in digitalno preobrazbo.
Časovni okvir projekta: januar 2022 – junij 2024
Sredstva: 1.270.255€
S finančno podporo EU skladov smo na naši spletni strani https://ostarija-kovac.si omogočili spletne rezervacije. Komunikacija z našimi gosti je sedaj že ob prvem zanimanju tekoča in hitra. Digitalizirali smo prijavo gostov, ki je zdaj ob prihodu gostov hitra in enostavna ter vzpostavili kartični sistem plačevanja. Z vsemi našimi nastanitvami smo se pridružili največji spletni rezervacijski platformi Booking.com, ki jo globalno, po vsem svetu uporabljajo milijoni popotnikov.
Neverjetno, kako nam digitalizacija procesov olajša poslovanje in pritegne nove goste! Hvala akterjem projekta Smarter Amazon of Europe za to enkratno priložnost!
Smarter Amazon of Europe (Smarter AOE) project
We have joined the Smarter Amazon of Europe (SmarterAOE) digital transformation and upgrade project with our rooms Prenočišča Kovač and apartments Prekmurski Raj and Prekmurska Oaza.
We received financial support for the digital transformation of our business practices from the SmarterAOE project, which will establish an international ecosystem of tourism SMEs in the Amazon of Europe – UNESCO’s first transboundary biosphere reserve of five countries: Mura – Drava – Danube and other biosphere areas to promote social, digital and ecological innovation through collaboration, capacity building and digital transformation.
Project timeframe: January 2022 – June 2024
Funds: €1,270,255
With the financial support of EU funds, we have enabled online reservations on our website https://ostarija-kovac.si. Communication with our guests is now fluid and fast even at the first sign of interest. We digitized guest registration, which is now quick and easy when guests arrive, and established a card payment system. With all our accommodations, we have joined the largest online booking platform, Booking.com, which is used by millions of travelers worldwide.
It’s amazing how digitalization of processes facilitates our business and attracts new guests! Thanks to the actors of the Smarter Amazon of Europe project for this unique opportunity!